Your freshly painted cedar siding looked so good after it was completed.
Best way to paint lap siding.
We always recommend hiring a professional exterior paint expert to paint your hardie plank siding.
Pull out loose nails and renail using stainless steel siding nails.
Painting the exterior siding of your home is a time consuming process.
Be sure to remove any caulk where the siding overlaps as old houses need to breathe.
The reasoning for this is it is easier for a brush works the paint into the clapboard siding and into the crevices and also because spray painting a house can become a disaster for a do it yourselfer.
For best results fresh siding should be pre primed on all six sides with a stain blocking primer and top coated with 100 percent acrylic latex paint.
The following is a guide on how to paint exterior siding.
Alkyd oil primers are recommended but one may choose a high quality latex primer as long as it contains stain blockers.
Here are some helpful tips that you should know when deciding how to paint your lp smartside siding options.
Wait two hours to allow the paint to begin to dry.
But over time the elements have taken their toll and the finish is starting to look weathered.
All of my pro painting friends feel that the best way to paint clapboard siding is with a brush.
Move on to the next 10 feet of siding and continue the process repeating until finished.
However it can be done effectively with just a few steps.
The key to a successful application of paint is surface preparation.
Back roll the paint into the smart siding by moving the roller in the opposite direction in which you sprayed the paint.
To help your paint adhere to the fiber cement siding and to get the most uniform looking finish on your paint job the best practice is to apply one coat of a quality exterior latex stain blocking or masonry primer to all of the siding.
Even then a professional paint expert will offer a color consultation to make sure you get the exact color you want.
It s the best way to guarantee your painted fiber cement siding stays beautiful for years to come.
All about exterior paint for lp engineered wood siding regular painting is a necessary component to maintaining engineered wood siding for the long term.
Strip the old paint go to our paint stripping page we decided to strip the paint to give us the best chance of producing the longest lasting paint job.