Have them under my peculiar machine list and i m at 83.
Big brother machine nier automata.
She ventured into the desert after overhearing her sibling complain about the poor condition of her parts.
Big sister machine is an village machine enemy in nier.
Courageous brother is a peculiar machine enemy in nier.
Nier replicant the story begins 1 358 years after the events of drakengard where a boy named nier and his only sister yonah has succumbed to a violent cough and must remain in bed while he searches for a cure though much time has passed the world in which this brother and sister resides is in many ways one of a simpler time.
It is the androids main purpose to destroy all machines and retake earth for humanity.
Big sister machine is a friendly unit in nier automata.
Little sister machine is a friendly unit in nier automata.
Machines also known as machine lifeforms are a race of sentient robots and are the primary antagonists and enemies of nier automata.
Courageous brother spawns in the grassy dead end halfway along the road that runs between the building where 2b and 9s initially arrived in the city and the.
1 description 2 fish machines 3 machine variants 4 notable machines 5 types of machines the.
They were created by the aliens thousands of years ago when they invaded earth.
They shout glory to machine lifeforms as they attack has incredibly high health.
Courageous brother is one of three specialunitsinnier automata.
Like the other golden stubbies it spawns at a fixed level of 25 and has 1 000 000 000 hp.
Notes complete lost girl to receive this unit s data.
Vengeful child gold tank dying goliath biped can also be added to the list.
It is encountered incity ruins and accompanied by two gold goliath bipeds.
Complete lost girl to receive this unit s data.
Courageous brother information a small golden stubby that is accompanied by followers of the same color.
15 nov 2018 02 25.
Big sister machine information a machine lifeform searching for her lost little sister.