Epa region 7 to host public availability session southwest jefferson county mining superfund site ou 4 big river and floodplain jefferson county missouri december 2016 epa provides update on removal activity pools prairie superfund site manufacturing plant area mpa ou4 neosho newton county missouri october 2016.
Big river superfund.
Mining occurred at the site beginning in the 1740s ending in 1972.
Joe minerals npl superfund site which contain site related documents and are available for review at www epa gov superfund bigrivermine.
Louis and is approximately 110 square miles in size.
Superfund site is a former sand and gravel mining operation located in wichita kansas.
Francois county missouri a former mining region known as the old lead belt is about 70 miles south of st.
In february 2016 the department notified the property owners of their results and provided them with a big river mine tailings superfund site information sheet containing details about the site future activities health facts on lead exposure blood lead testing for children and contact information.
The site is part of a former mining region about 70 miles south of st.
The big river mine tailings superfund site is a part of the old lead belt where historical mining activities were conducted for the greater part of 70 years.
Southeast missouri superfund npl lead sites map click to enlarge the u s.
Environmental protection agency epa is remediating cleaning up lead contaminated soil in residential yards within the big river mine tailings brmt national priorities list npl superfund site in st.
An information repository and administrative record were established for the big river mine tailings st.
During this period mine waste containing elevated levels of lead and zinc were left behind posing a threat to human health and the environment.
This is a list of superfund sites in missouri designated under the comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act cercla environmental law.
Superfund site is in desloge missouri.
Louis often referred to as the old lead belt from 1742 to 1972 mining operations resulted in enormous piles of mine waste tailings and chat on site.
The big river mine tailings st.
During the 1970s site operators disposed of drums of paint related waste on the site next to a sand quarry lake.
Lead is the main contaminant of concern at this site.
The cercla federal law of 1980 authorized the united states environmental protection agency epa to create a list of polluted locations requiring a long term response to clean up hazardous material contaminations.
Proposed plan read the letter sent by missouri chapter conservation chair caroline pufalt to the epa on proposed plan for an early action interim remedial record of decision on ou2 big river mine tailings superfund site.
The big river mine tailing st.
Superfund site big river located in st.