The canadian equivalents of this law are the migratory birds convention act.
Birds in roof removal.
We remove birds from your inner roof and close entry points.
The most common complaints are birds nesting in roof voids and bird mites which travel from the bird to us.
This law protects all migratory birds their nests and eggs from transport of any kind unless you have a license to move them.
We will perform full service wildlife exclusions install custom and standard chimney caps remove bird or bat feces from an attic install burial fencing remove dead animals perform deer removal and or management and perform management services on ponds including stocking.
Nest removal and spraying for bird lice is part of our service.
You can find protected canadian birds listed in the.
So whatever your particular problem is please call us for some friendly advice.
If the dangerous nest already has chicks or eggs however contact a bird rescue organization to see if they can take in the baby birds until they are mature enough to leave the nest.
However there are many different problems associated with birds and we can offer guaranteed solutions to many of them.
Keep birds out of roof spaces and other places they are pests by denying them entry.
Decoys placing fake predators like owls and hawks on your roof is a clever way to trick birds into staying away.
It is often illegal to remove a bird s nest from the roof under the migratory bird act.
Ultrasonics using high.
If the problem persists you may need to remove the birds nest or food source in order to make sure they stay away.
If birds have built their nests in these types of locations it is best to remove the nest and discourage the birds from rebuilding in the same spot.
Bird removal services near you birds may be beneficial neutral or harmful to man s interests depending upon time location and activity and certain birds sparrows woodpeckers waterfowl pigeons and black birds are more likely to become pests and require bird proofing and bird control.
If nests can be accessed wearing gloves dust mask and goggles clear away all nesting material into bin bags seal and remove from the roof space.
You can also play predator or ultrasonic sounds to repel birds.
After the birds are removed our bird removal professionals will extract all the nesting materials that the birds brought into the vent and then install a vent guard over the exterior ventilation outlet to prevent birds from re entering the vent.
If you remove it those birds will soon be in search of a new home.
If you don t know what kind of bird you are dealing with never attempt to remove the bird yourself.
Destroy the nest if birds are flocking to your home there might be a nest somewhere either on or inside your roof or chimney.
Wildlife management is a broad statement and so are our services.