Look for a bird screen that is made of dark mesh that you can hang over your windows.
Birds keep looking in glass patio door.
Hang blinds or light colored printed drapes on the sliding glass door and keep them closed on sunny days.
You can buy bird netting to hang 2 inches 5 1 cm from your windows.
The bird was a chat brown yellow green belly.
Stop birds hitting windows option 1 bird scare tape.
Step 4 preventing birds from flying into sliding glass door stop birds from flying into a sliding glass door by eliminating the possibility of reflecting the outdoors.
It wasn t hitting the window but pecking at the screen.
You can customize the mesh so it covers your windows properly.
These attacks take place most often in spring the breeding season and in the fall when birds are newly arrived on migration from another country.
A preassembled curtain of taut monofilament lines strung three inches apart and five inches from the exterior of a window or sliding door side panel.
Birds see the lines and avoid them while the space between the lines and glass gives birds that touch them a chance to spread their wings and brace themselves.
When birds see reflection of vegetation or they see through the glass to indoor plants they fly straight for it at full speed.
I tried taking a picture of it but scared it away it landed on a branch in a tree not 5 feet away just sitting there watching the window then when i moved away it flew back this happened 3 4 times untill finally just flew away but i did not see which direction it went.
I was surprised to find out that they have tape specifically designed to keep birds from crashing into windows called bird scare tape it s translucent so it lets light through but still provides enough of a visual barrier to stop the birds.
There are several bird screens and nets available that can help to prevent birds from flying into your windows.