Birds squirrels and some small rodents usually enjoy gutters because of the relative safety and the enclosed space for them to make a sturdy nest.
Birds nests in gutters.
As you may know bird nests are made of twigs leaves grass clippings and feathers the kind of stuff you want to keep out of the gutters.
Overflowing gutter systems can damage your home s walls.
The nests become a mess as the birds expand and leave debris including their smelly droppings.
Among the birds who most prefer to nest in gutters are finches starlings and house sparrows.
The most obvious reason is the possibility of the bird s nest clogging your gutter.
Ways to stop birds nesting ensure your gutters are thoroughly cleaned either by hand ladderless systems or if you really want to be different with a monkey.
To begin with we need to consider why nesting birds are an issue in gutters.
If your gutters become littered with nest debris they may not be able to divert water during a storm.
While a single bird nest can t possibly clog the entire gutter keep in mind that the gutter empties into a downspout.
Having bird babies around is a fun experience too except when their parents have built a nest in your gutters.
Simply put bird nests clog gutter systems on your home.
This is the reason why it s important how to stop birds from nesting in the gutter.
This can lead to damage to your home.
If birds have built their nests in these types of locations it is best to remove the nest and discourage the birds from rebuilding in the same spot.
Though it s unlikely that a single nest will clog your spout.
Another reason why you have to discourage the birds from nesting on gutter vents and eaves is that they are exposed to some danger.
These clogs prevent water from moving through the system and down the vertical spouts.
Keeping your gutters clear of leaves sticks mud and other debris that birds use in building their nests can go a long way toward deterring these animals from making a home in your gutters.
The best way to deal with birds nesting in unwanted places is to discourage or prevent them from doing so in the first place.
If the dangerous nest already has chicks or eggs however contact a bird rescue organization to see if they can take in the baby birds until they are mature enough to leave the nest.
Why bird nests are bad for your gutters before we get to the ways we can prevent birds from roosting in your gutters it s important to touch on why birds are bad for them in the first place.
Bird nests cause big gutter clogs and can end up in your downspout causing a blockage that is more difficult and sometimes costly to clear.