Story has it that his mail even had bullet holes several times.
Black post box area 51.
As part of a tour to area 51 we got to stop and look at the black mailbox.
Bulletproof version and added the alien box beneath.
Still a lot of fun doing this tour and at least the mail box was actually there.
The box has been a popular.
Known as the black mailbox this isolated postal container would never have garnered any attention were it not for its close proximity to nearby ufo hot spot area 51.
The dirt access road leads to the restricted lands surrounding area 51.
He often found tourists going through his mail hunting for top secret area 51 documents.
It s just a mailbox.
So he installed a new bulletproof white mailbox with a lock to keep curious researchers out.
The pictures are in order showing what you would see chronologically on a tour of area 51.
We talk with trish of the alamo nevada post office as she delivers mail to the famous white formerly black mailbox on highway 375 the extraterrestrial h.
Feel free to post any comments thoughts feelings or anything else related to area 51.
The original box was auctioned off in 1996 to a ufo fan for 1000.
Had a few bits and pieces inside but that was about it.
It s known as the black mailbox although as you can see in this photo by oliver robinson it s actually a faded white.
As the highway heads northwest through tikaboo valley it meets mail box road.
Its owner say the black letters printed on its.
Yep its a mail box and it s black.
People have different reasons for being interested.
This video shows the new paint job on the bluebird bus and the new black mailbox.
The original mailbox was a normal black.
One of the coolest roadside attractions along this route is the black mailbox though it s now actually white but black just sounds so much cooler.
The pair of mailboxes located 12 miles from area 51 is still known as the black mailbox.
It used to be marked by a single postal drop known as the black mailbox.
The box is made of quarter inch thick bulletproof metal and its door is clamped shut with a master lock.
Descending the summit sr 375 nears the border of the nellis air force range.
This mailbox along nevada state route 375 is a popular landmark from which to spot ufos near area 51.
This video jumps from the early morning to almost nightfall at the back ga.
The only landmark for about 40 miles on a barren stretch of highway is this mailbox battered by time and desert gusts.