High quality aquarium fish at the lowest prices online and shipped right to your door.
Black ruby barb for sale near me.
Loaches are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium.
We sell live freshwater fish and ship them to your front door.
Red glass barb reg.
Wide selection of species and sizes available for all types of freshwater aquariums.
Barb fish for sale on this page.
Click on a picture below to shop and learn more about the fish in that category.
Order and they ll be delivered to your front door.
Rams are cichlids whose ancestors lived in colombia and venezuela in the northern part of south america but now they live in aquariums all over the world.
Click here for more about how we ship live pet fish.
Call 1 877 367 4377 to order.
Learn more about barbs here.
Check out our specials on discus and cichlids.
Click here for more about buying aquarium fish from us.
Best described as a friendly omnivorous tank mate it may have issues with being out competed by larger more carnivorous fish.
Barbs shipped directly to your door at the lowest prices highest quality online.
Visit us online today at the ifish store.
Barbs are semi aggressive fish when housed in the aquarium individually so it is important to maintain each species in groups of six or more.
Most barb fish are small colorful active and ideally suited for the community aquarium.
Green tiger barb reg.
Golden tinfoil barb m s.
Assorted platinum tiger barb med.
Golden tinfoil barb reg.
Neon rosy barb reg.
Loach fish consist of some of the most popular of all tropical fish adding color interest and beauty to any larger community aquarium.
Just above a beautiful young barb fish for sale in our online store.
Tri color shark med iridescent shark dolphin whale albino iridescent shark med rainbow shark roseline shark.
There are several variations of this cichlid for sale in this online store.
Rainbows green severum african knife elephant nose med.
This technique will minimize aggression towards more passive tank mates.
Black ruby barb tiger barb lg tiger barb lg albino tiger barb ruby shark albino ruby shark sm tri color shark colombian shark red tail chalceus glass cat ast.
Overnight shipping on all orders.
Online pet fish store.
This tiger barb was swimming in one of our aquariums when one of us snapped this picture.
In aquariums rams can grow to be about 2 5 long.
Redtail tinfoil barb m s.
Premium aquarium fish for sale online.
Denisonii barb roseline shark 2 10900131.
These are fabulous fish with vibrant colors.
Premium quality barb fish for sale.