Odessa barbs are a fish i feature a lot in my articles they are a perfectly well behaved barb and are suitable in most aquariums.
Black ruby barb tank mates.
Kept in groups of five or more you can observe the schooling behavior of these fish that would do poorly and would become skittish if kept otherwise.
They can live for up to 6 years.
24 26 c 75 2 78 8 f 5 до 19 dh ph 6 5 7 5.
In the wild both deforestation and over collection have put this species at risk.
The odessa barb is another barb fish so the tiger barb generally are calm around them.
It is undemanding in terms of tank water parameters though the following will be the most preferable ones.
Mike fishlore admin social media.
The rosy barb is also known in certain circles as the red barb and is a popular freshwater tropical fish that will bring a lot of activity to your tank.
The black ruby barb is a smaller barb with a docile nature that has a similar pattern to the tiger barb.
They can peacefully co exist with tiger barbs but also with lots of other species especially that they re less nippy than their tiger cousins.
The black ruby barb is a peaceful beautiful small barb from the forested streams of sri lanka off the southern coast of india.
Ruby barb tropical fish learn all about the ruby barb s feeding habits and food types its behaviour its origins its natural habitats is it male or female breeding advice and information suitable tank mates its sizing and growth range minimum tank size water ph and more.
The fish actively swims in all water layers.
Rosy barb pethia conchonius.
It is desirable to put some long stalked and small leaved tank plants along the tank perimeter.
Black ruby barb tank mates.
Feeding like all barbs black ruby barbs are omnivorous and.
Best described as a friendly omnivorous tank mate it may have issues with being out competed by larger more carnivorous fish.
Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the ruby barb is the right fish for.
6 0 7 0 general hardness.
They don t look like much as juveniles but as they mature and with good food their colours will be incredible.
Because it s a schooling fish it should always be kept in groups of five or more.
Updated may 14 2020 author.
Plus if when kept in groups they tend to be on their best behavior and not bother other fish.
The fish itself is peaceful and their larger size means the tiger barb will not attack them.
Black ruby barbs grow up to 8cms if kept with the correct tank mates and in the right conditions.