While the quad gutter 125 and 150 can be cut to length and also available as slotted.
Box gutter sizes australia.
The minimum size of a sump is 400mm x 200mm minimum width of box gutter and 150mm deep.
Dependingonthepreferredsideforthedownpipe cutahol eforadownpip outletinon ofthe boxgutterstopends.
Must have a constant slope between 1 40 and 1 200.
Sizes the depth shown of the box gutter is the depth at the upstream end.
Maximum length is 9 0m and minimum is 1m.
Sides must be vertical.
Learn more how to storm water design for building sites.
The gutter shall be stramit insert square gutter type as selected based on size and performance.
Box gutters must be straight no bends.
Have a sole width which is not reduced discharge at the downstream end without.
Have a minimum width of 300mm for commercial installations 200mm for domestic installations.
Have a minimum depth of 75mm at the high end.
State of victoria victorian building authority 2017 published june 2017.
Material shall be protected steel sheet to australian standard as1397 with a minimum yield stress of 550mpa and an am100 az150 coating with an oven baked paint film of selected colour or a plain am125 az150 coating.
Stramit manufactures a range of quad gutters in south australia.
Stock length is 6 0m.
Down pipe must be vertical from sump not to the side minimum sump length is 400mm.