Bradford white rg240t6n gas water heater 40000 btu hr heating 40 gal tank natural gas fuel atmospheric vent 43 gph recovery domestic.
Bradford white water heater rg240t6n.
Bradford white rg240t6n 40 gallon 40 000 btu defender safety system atmospheric vent energy saver residential water heater nat gas this bradford white water heater utilizes a draft diverter and is atmospherically vented.
Bradford white eco defender safety system gas water heater 40000 btu hr heating natural gas fuel 1 2 in gas connection 40 gal tank piezo ignition atmospheric vent 3 x 4 in vent 43 gph recovery rate 0 64 energy factor 3 4 in npt water connection 150 psi pressure ultra low nox.
Any action you take on the information on the bradford white water heaters youtube or vimeo channels are strictly at your own risk.
Don t let the 40 gallon physical holding tank fool you this appliance can deliver an impressive first hour delivery of 76 gallons of hot water.
Submit a warranty claim through their local bradford white distributor.
It is a new construction home.
Bradford white water heaters may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information available on the bradford white water heaters youtube channel and in the videos contained therein.
Bradford white water heaters may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information available on the bradford white water heaters youtube channel and in the videos contained therein.
Any action you take on the information on the bradford white water heaters youtube or vimeo channels are strictly at your own risk.
Bradford white part number.
This is the perfect sized heater for a small to medium family.
Diagnose and repair the water heater using bradford white approved parts.
On 7 9 2020 i found that my water was no longer getting hot.
The bradford white 40 gallon rg240t6n is a natural gas tank style water heater.
19 people found this helpful.
I purchased my home in 3 9 18.
That contractor would want to follow this process.
My builder installed two bradford white defender safety system water heaters.
So if you buy a bradford white or any brand water heater you should stop being so cheap and hire a licensed master plumber with good ratings to install it properly and i bet you will not have issues.
It is perfect for many standard water heating applications.
Bradford white water heaters may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information available on the bradford white water heaters youtube channel and in the videos contained therein.